
8:22 This Breast Reconstruction Info video series is brought to you by Myself Together Again. Visit our website for more information at

We are excited to bring you more of Sherri's journey in the 2nd video below. In this video Sherri is 4 days out from her prophylactic mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Sherri's plastic surgeon was able to expand her up to 300cc's on each side using a Natralle expander. Sherri still has her drains in at this point and is slightly swollen from the surgery. We are so grateful to Sherri for allowing us to document her journey and bring to all of our viewers an up close look into the process of immediate reconstruction

1:31 is a gallery of me. This is raw. If you do not want to see what a person looks like after a mastectomy, please don't click play and watch the slideshow. Like I said...I'm documenting every step of this for (myself a little) other women out there who want to prepare themselves if they are diagnosed, know someone who is or just plain getting my word out there. It sucks. It hurts. It's depressing. But I will survive. I will beat the shit out of this. One round knocked down can't keep this fighter down long..


The Myself: Together Again story of delayed breast reconstruction following double mastectomy surgery that appears on this video was inspired by Debbie*, who agreed to have the process photographed so that other young women like her could get an idea of what to expect. Visit our website for more information at Produced by Barton Creek Creative


Dr. Leigh Neumayer, from Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, discussing surgical breast cancer options.


The M:TA project, or Myself Together Again, is a great resource for women facing reconstruction surgery after a breast cancer diagnosis. Visit our website for more information on the M:TA outreach to women across the world at


When deciding between a mastectomy and lumpectomy for breast cancer treatment, you should weigh the pros and cons of each option. In this video, Dr. Harness discusses the differences between mastectomy and lumpectomy to help you choose the best treatment option for you. Click Here & Get The 15 Breast Cancer Questions To Ask Your Doctor Breast Cancer Answers is a social media show where viewers submit a question and get the answer from an expert. Submit your question now at, ‪‬ In this clip, Jay Harness, MD, FACS explains how to determine which breast surgery is right for you.

6:27 Breast Reconstruction Info video series from Myself Together Again. Visit www.myselftogetheragain for more info.

I hope that this video series update finds everyone well. It has been 3 months since we last shared a video of Sherri's reconstruction story with you. The last video showed Sherri having to manage burns on her breast that were a result of accidentally using a heating pad on her body following her double mastectomy surgery. Due to lack of feeling in her chest, she experienced 2nd degree burns on her breast just after having the expanders placed in during her surgery. From our standpoint, it was hard to see such a healthy person taking on reconstruction and then seeing her experience the type of delay that can happen to many women who have cancer, causing them to be unable to adhere to their expected reconstruction time line. Although Sherri's journey began with a choice to have prophylactic surgery in order to avoid having breast cancer,


For most women with early-stage invasive breast cancer, mastectomy or lumpectomy with radiation are equally good options. Having one or the other makes no difference in how long you will live. Since both choices provide the same medical outcome, your choice depends on how you feel about:

- How your body looks after your surgery—your appearance
- How much time and energy your treatment involves and how much it disrupts your life
- The chance that your cancer might come back in the breast or breast area (local recurrence).

Health Dialog honors Breast Cancer Awareness Month by making our decision aid for Early Stage Breast Cancer available during October 2010:

This video was produced jointly by Health Dialog and the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making.
