

A lecture presented during the First Annual Conference of the Saudi Spine Society.
December 17-19, 2017
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the condition of Giant Cell Tumor.

Follow me on twitter:!/DrEbraheim_UTMC


At 16, Courtney was no stranger to the way cancer changes lives. She had lost a sister to the disease, and her mother had been battling recurrences for 21 years.

Courtney's own fight began when her mother's was ending, with a pain in her knee that kept her from her usual summertime activities. The athletic, energetic high school junior assumed she had a sprained ligament. She put off going to the doctor, focusing her attention on her mom, Crystal.

Crystal died on Christmas, at age 41. Through her grief, Courtney realized the pain in her knee had become severe. Within the week, her mom's friends took her to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where MRI revealed a mass. Then bone biopsy showed Courtney had a malignant tumor.

Courtney suffers from Li-Fraumeni syndrome, as did her mother and sister. It is a rare condition caused by alterations in TP53, a very important tumor suppressor gene. Half of individuals with Li-Fraumeni will develop cancer by age 45, with tumors beginning in childhood and adolescence.

Team Xplore's picture

This interview was taped in April 2013, prior to the "Fashion For Jandie" benefiting event.

Jandie's story is long and heart breaking about her battle with stage four Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma; But to summarize it- in the beginning, she was rejected by doctors when complaining about her excruciating leg pain, being accused of only wanting pain killers. They eventually sent her to physical therapy creating pressure and strain, thus causing her leg to break, all the while not knowing she had bone cancer. Since the doctors pushed her away instead of trying to figure out the issue, her cancer then spread to her lungs until it was finally found.

On February 9th, 2015, she found out the cancer was now in her brain, as well. February 11th she had emergency brain surgery and they were only able to remove 80% of the tumor, as the remaining 20% was up against a blood vessel that affects her motor skills.

Jandie has also had tremendous stress with her finances in supporting her battle against cancer. Her medical bills are deep in collections, and every month she has ridiculous


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Bone Cancer
What is another name for bone cancer? What is cancer of the bone?What are the signs and symptoms of bone cancer? Is bone cancer a genetic disease?

What is bone cancer?
Bone cancer starts in the bone. Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in

nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas of the body.

Bone cancer is a malignant (cancerous)


Mayo Clinic dermatologic surgeon, Dr. Jerry Brewer discusses Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma. He tells us about the risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of this rare form of soft tissue cancer.


Brian Van Tine, MD, PhD, leads the discussion about the diagnostic workup of a new patient, the usefulness of imaging and genetic testing, and the importance of multidisciplinary care. A good history and physical is the most important test we order, according to Lor Randall, MD, FACS.